Saturday 14 January 2017

Survey - Employee Engagement Questions

1. Do you know what you should do to help the company to meet its goals and objectives?

2. Can you see a clear link between your work and the company's goals and objectives?

3. Do you understand the strategic goals of the broader organization?

4. Does your team support you to complete your work?

5. Does your team inspire you to do your best work?

6. Are you proud to be part of your team member?

7. Do you have a good understanding of informal structures and processes at the organization?

8. When something unexpected comes up in your work, do you usually know who to ask for help?

9. Do you have the appropriate amount of information to make correct decisions about your work?

Above are the nine question that will help managers look for the kind of meaningful engagement with employee to improve employee understanding and performance.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog! Employee engagement activities at the workplace can lead employees to be stress-free and energetic. The simple approach to engaging employees in fun activities and games. An employee engagement company in India, help various corporate and organizations to organize team-building, employee engagement and reward & recognition events.
