Thursday 9 February 2017

Cawangan baru Bank of America tanpa pekerja

Sejak beberapa bulan yang lepas Bank of America telah membuka tiga cawangan automatik di mana pelanggan boleh menggunakan mesin ATM dan mengadakan persidangan video dengan pekerja di cawangan-cawangan lain, menurut jurucakapnya Anne Pace.

Seperti kebanyakan bank di Amerika pada tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini, Bank of America telah mengurangkan bilangan cawangan bagi mengurangkan kos.

Walaupun ia membuka cawangan baru di beberapa pasaran terpilih, cawangan baru biasanya lebih kecil dan menggunakan lebih teknologi. Cawangan-cawangan baru mensasarkan perniagaan gadai janji, kad kredit dan pinjaman kereta selain urus niaga yang mudah seperti menunaikan cek.

Pace berkata terdapat satu cawangan sepenuhnya automatik di Minneapolis dan satu lagi di Denver. Luasnya satu perempat daripada saiz cawangan biasa.

Ketua Unit Perbankan Pengguna Bank of America, Dean Athanasia pernah menerangkan secara ringkas tentang cawangan-cawangan yang baru semasa sesi soal jawab di persidangan pelabur, tetapi dia tidak menerangkan secara terperinci.

Athanasia berkata Bank of America akan membuka 50 hingga 60 cawangan baru pada tahun hadapan, Pace pula berkata bahawa bank itu juga akan menutup cawangan di pasaran tertentu, jadi 50 hingga 60 cawangan tidak dikira sebagai peningkatan bersih. 

Bank of America membuka 31 cawangan baru pada 2016 dan mempunyai 4,579 pusat kewangan pada akhir suku keempat tahun 2016, berbanding 4,726 pada suku keempat 2015 dan 5,900 pada akhir tahun 2010.

Sumber daripada The Star

Monday 6 February 2017

Whistleblower CEO wins suit

A former chief executive officer has won his lawsuit against his former employer in a whistleblower case.

Dr Syed Omar Syed Agil, 56, had sought protection as a whistleblower for allegedly exposing the financial improprieties of his colleagues at Institut Profesional Baitulmal Sdn Bhd (IPB).

He succeeded in his bid to get the High Court to order his former employer to cancel a notice of internal investigation dated Oct 6, 2015 against him for alleged misconduct.

Yesterday, High Court judge Justice John Louis O’Hara ruled that IPB failed to prove that the detrimental action taken against the plaintiff was not in reprisal for his (Dr Syed Omar) disclosure to the anti graft body and the police.

He cited Section 10(1), (3) and (7) of the Whistleblower Protection Act, which showed that the defendant should prove that the action against the plaintiff was not in reprisal for his action.

Dr Syed Omar, however, has withdrawn his bid to get a court order to direct IPB to restore him to his position as its CEO and permit him to return to his duties.

Justice O’Hara ordered the company, named as the sole defendant, to pay RM18,750 in costs to the plain­tiff.

Dr Syed Omar was appointed CEO of the IPB on Sept 1, 2014 but he was suspended on Oct 7, 2015. His contract ended August last year.

His lawyer Aston Paiva said yesterday that this was the first such case to seek relief under the Act through a court process.

In an immediate response, Dr Syed Omar described this as a victory for a whistleblower.

“Now I think nobody should be afraid to come out and expose any wrongdoing or malpractice or fi­­nan­­cial irregularity.”

In his originating summons filed in December 2015, Dr Syed Omar sought an injunction to restrain the company, which runs the private college and which is 70% owned by the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council, from continuing an internal probe against him and suspending him for being a whistleblower.

In his court papers, Dr Syed Omar, who is a now an education-based foundation CEO, said he had acted as a whistleblower in his 2015 disclosure to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and police of alleged improper conduct, and hence, should be given protection under the Act.

Akaun 2 KWSP 'Terkunci Terus' Di Bawah Skim Baru PRIMA - duit tidak boleh dikeluarkan selagi pinjaman rumah tidak selesai

Skim pinjaman perumahan baharu yang diumumkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dalam Bajet 2017 akan memberi kesan terhadap kapasiti pengeluaran jangka panjang pembeli daripada akaun Kumpulan Simpanan Wang Pekerja (KWSP) mereka.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif KWSP Shahril Ridza Ridzuan berkata skim itu dibuka untuk pembeli rumah kali pertama dan bagi pembelian rumah Perumahan Rakyat 1Malaysia (PR1MA) berharga RM300,000 ke bawah.

“Kami sedang memuktamadkan skim itu yang akan bermula 1 Januari, namun yang mahu mengambil skim itu perlu memastikan mereka tahu bahawa dengan mengambil pinjaman jangka panjang itu mereka tidak boleh mengeluarkan wang daripada Akaun 2 untuk kegunaan jangka pendek,” katanya.

Shahril berkata ini kerana di bawah skim itu, 4 bank yang menyertainya iaitu:- Maybank, CIMB, RHB dan AmBank akan meluluskan permohonan jumlah pinjaman berdasarkan kepada pendapatan masa depan yang akan masuk ke Akaun 2 KWSP peminjam.

Katanya, langkah untuk “ring-fence” akaun KWSP peminjam juga untuk memberi lebih jaminan kepada bank supaya mereka boleh memberikan had pinjaman lebih tinggi kepada pemohon.

Maka, mereka yang memilih kemudahan itu tidak akan dapat membuat pengeluaran pra persaraan lain di bawah Akaun 2, termasuk untuk perubatan, pendidikan, umur 50 dan bagi menunaikan haji, sehingga pinjaman PR1MA itu diselesaikan sepenuhnya.

Beliau berkata keadaan itu mungkin jadi rumit jika peminjam tidak membayar pinjaman rumah berkenaan.

"‘Ring fence’ bukan caj kepada Akaun 2 untuk memaksa ahli mengeluarkan wang mereka tetapi ahli akan pasti menggunakan wang itu untuk mengelak bankrap,” 

Katanya, jika peminjam ada masalah tunggakan bayaran semula pinjaman itu, wang dalam Akaun 2 akan digunakan akhirnya meskipun ia tidak boleh digunakan sehingga pinjaman berkenaan dijelaskan.

Shahril juga menafikan ada rancangan untuk meluaskan skim pembiayaan hampir sama untuk skim perumahan mampu milik Selangor, iaitu Rumah Selangorku. “PR1MA ialah skim perumahan di seluruh negara. 

Reward systems based on performance

Performance driven reward systems will become a norm in workplaces as employers are forced to “rework their compensation packages” to attract and engage with their employees.

This is because salary increases fell by 0.4% to 5.2% last year, according to the 2016 Total Compensation Measurement (TCM) Survey by Aon Hewitt.

Although the gross domestic product grew at a steady 4.2%, the consumer price index was 1.8% higher in November last year compared with the figures for the same month in 2015, it said.

“The decline in salary increases translates to real wages diminishing for the Malaysian workforce.

“As a result, employers are pressured to rework their compensation packages to engage their talent more effectively,” said Aon Hewitt, a global talent, retirement, and health solutions business of Aon plc in a statement yesterday.

The survey, which measures how organisations are addressing projected salary budgets, variable pay, and cost-saving initiatives, was based on findings collected from 232 employers nationwide.

The salary trend for fresh graduates, however, remained optimistic as local employers are expected to continue “paying a premium” for jobs in high-tech and engineering related fields.

Fresh graduates in the field of engineering, research and development, and project management were offered the highest starting salaries over RM3,500 a month while fresh graduates in high-tech industries are paid 27% more than those in property and construction.

“Throughout the nation, more than half of the fresh graduates entering employment earned less than RM2,500 per month,” it said.

Aon Hewitt Malaysia managing director Prashant Chadha said fresh graduates, although inexperienced, are “digital natives” and that contributed to relevant skills needed in today’s market.

Saturday 4 February 2017

Japanese firm offers "heartache leave" for staff

Heartbreak heaven for staff

Lovelorn staff at a Japanese marketing company can take paid time off after a bad break-up with a partner, with more "heartache leave" on offer as they get older.

Tokyo-based Hime & Company, which also gives staff paid time off to hit the shops during sales season, says heartache leave allows staff to cry themselves out and return to work refreshed. "Not everyone needs to take maternity leave but with heartbreak, everyone needs time off, just like when you get sick,"

By asking for a shitsuren kyuka, the staffer would be requesting “compassionate leave to fix a broken heart” and its granting would be the norm.“Unless you are extremely lucky,” says Hiradate, the firm’s 37 year old founder and president, “you will definitely have the experience in your 20s and 30s of being brokenhearted after someone leaves you.

“So, shitsuren kyuka is a paid holiday you take when that happens and you feel too devastated to come to the office. I introduced it after I asked young women what they wanted from ‘female-friendly companies,’ and they suggested these holidays.”

As for how much rest a lovelorn lady might be allowed, Hiradate believes that the damage done by breaking up gets more serious the older you become. Consequently, her company grants one day a year off to staff in their early 20s, two days off to those in their late 20s and three days off to thirty somethings. "Women in their 20s can find their next love quickly, but it's tougher for women in their 30s, and their break-ups tend to be more serious," Hiradate said.

Of course, a female friendly workplace would offer flexible working hours and child care leave to help women balance their lives as both mothers and workers. But Hiradate wanted something more, and when she heard the suggestion for “heartbreak leave,” she went for it at once.

“Some people may just call their office and say they’re taking a day off because they don’t feel well, but in my company the employees can openly say they are taking a shitsuren kyuka. They are not asked anything more.

“You know, when you are brokenhearted, you feel terrible and have red eyes and the condition affects your work performance. I recommend them to come to the office after taking some rest. That’s good for the company, too,”

Sounds nice. How many staff have actually taken the holidays since the company introduced them last year? “Fortunately, nobody has,” Hiradate says. But she swears that she herself will take her shitsuren kyuka if the need arises. “Of course, I will take three days off!” she says. In fact, in the way it reflects women’s real needs, Hiradate’s shitsuren kyuka policy also apply symbolizes the character of her business, which hinges on reflecting the women’s market.

Hiradate started her Hime Club (meaning Princess Club) market-research business mainly targeting women in their 20s and 30s in 2002, then renamed it Hime & Company. The business has grown steadily while attracting such clients as cosmetics and beverage makers who create and sell products tailored to that age group.

Hiradate currently employs four full-time staff, all women, who organize and conduct market research on a pool of about 4,000 women who signed up to her “focus groups” mainly through her web site at . She calls those women her hime (princesses) because the purpose of her business is ultimately to promote products and services that make them and their contemporaries happy, she says.

The decor in the salon of her Aoyama office is deliberately girlish, with a white fluffy carpet and pink artificial flowers twined around the spiral stairs up to her office as it is there that her hime often come to evaluate new drinks, cosmetics and other products.

“One day, I would like to create a big, castle shaped department store which sells items selected by hime,” she says, smiling, in the rosy room.But to push forward to achieve her grand design, Hiradate freely admits that she relies on having the right kind of staff coming up with unique ideas.

“I started shitsuren kyuka also because I wanted to have staff who are freed from stereotype and who understand humor. I needed people who would say: ‘Shitsuren kyuka? Cool. Can I take that if I get brokenhearted when it’s revealed that my favorite pop star has got a girlfriend?”

As unusual as her “heartbreak holidays” may be, Hiradate says she is not just “trying to challenge stereotypes.” Rather, she seems to enjoy the reactions to what she is doing.

“When we started the business under the name Hime Club, it probably sounded like a hostess club in Ginza. People in PR companies, for example, had to explain to their client companies that we were actually a marketing company. However, the impact of the name was far stronger than the usual names of marketing businesses, such as ‘AA Research’ or ‘Woman Something.’ So that way our business became widely known in the industry.

“I did that on purpose. I try to create something that people cannot help chatting about.” Hiradate’s stream of new strategies seems to never stop. Another new holiday at her company is bagen hankyu (a half-day off to go to the sales) an idea that came from her experience of working in a big company.

“You can’t miss the seasonal discount sales, especially the morning of the day when they start. Of course you can take a half day off in any company, but in a big company employees tend to do that secretly and often keep their booty in the company locker.

The system benefits the company, too, Hiradate says. “My company is a venture business, and I can’t pay much to my employees. But if they can buy their clothes at half-price utilizing the holidays, that may help.”